Thursday, April 14, 2011

Week 7

After skydiving on Friday, I finally had a morning to sleep. In the early afternoon, the new volunteer arrived from the UK (there is only one new volunteer coming this term). She's 18 years old and going to "uni" in the fall. She is really excited about being in Cape Town and volunteering at the school. I took her to Kalk Bay that afternoon to show her around. It reminded me of my first day. Everything is so different you don't really care what you're actually doing you are just amazed at the rocky landscape and the beautiful Indian Ocean.

Caine and Sammy, the two that were planning on traveling up to Mozambique, decided to stay for another few weeks before they embark up the coast. There are now four of us in the house and I have my own room. This obviously has its positives and negatives. 

This week at school has actually been pretty grueling. Once the teachers recognize that you can type a lot faster than they can, that is all they want you to do. I've been plugging in student IDs and graded assessments into the computer for the first three days of the week. It is really tedious. 

I have also been absolutely exhausted the entire week. I get back from school and take a nap and then go to bed at about 8:30 or 9. I'm getting so much sleep and I'm still really tired. I believe the problem is coming from the malaria medication. A side effect of the drug is "unusual fatigue" and I think that is what I got. I stop malaria treatment tomorrow (a week after you leave the malaria zone) so hopefully I regain some energy starting on Saturday. 

At the moment I am scheduled to leave South Africa on April 24th which is rapidly approach. I'm still contemplating my options but I'm leaning towards extending my stay (I don't know for how long though). 

The house has been pretty quiet but I'm going to put that on my exhaustion and the first week back. Hopefully this weekend we can do some cool stuff. I know I'm doing one of three things on Saturday, either Table Mountain, Robbin Island, or swimming with seals in Hout Bay. Other than that I'm not sure what is going on.

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