Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Welcome To The Blog

As you may or may not know I am leaving for Cape Town,  South Africa in four days. There, I will be a volunteer helping disadvantaged kids. My specific program is coaching kids in basketball, however I will also be involved in the health awareness and teaching programs.
Here is a link to the program if you're curious:


 I will be living in a volunteer house with about 10 other volunteers in Fish Hoek, a suburb outside of Cape Town. I don't know much more about my living situation beyond that but I've seen pictures of the house and it seems nice.  

At the moment, I am gathering what I need for the trip. It's taking a while but, with the help of my parents, I've already gotten almost everything I need. 

The plane ride from JFK to Johannesburg is about 18 hours and I'm still scrabbling to figure out what I can possibly do while on the plane. If anyone has an idea about what I can do, please let me know.

If you are wondering about the title of the blog, one of the travel books I got strongly emphasized over and over "Just don't feed the baboons!" so I figured it was appropriate. 

I am hoping to post on the blog roughly every few days with updates about what I've been doing. 

My next post will be from Cape Town!!

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