Thursday, March 3, 2011

injury updates

As most of you know the reason why I was able to take this trip was because of a basketball leg injury that took a very long time to heal. I left the USA at about 85% and I was concerned how my body would respond to a big increase in activity. Fortunately, my legs have held up pretty well so far. I'm not 100% but I have had no setbacks and it appears I'm on my way to putting this injury behind me.

That being said it is not all positive. Today I  re-sprained my thumb. I have been dealing with this injury for sometime but it has not gotten re-injured in about 7 months. I am icing it right now so we'll see how the swelling goes.Luckily I brought my thumb splint to Africa but it just really sucks that as soon I'm really getting better from one injury another one flares up. Hopefully the sprain is not too bad but its hard to tell because it only happened a few hours ago.

I'll keep you posted!  

Between Classes a lot of the volunteers in the sports program shout around. While I have been hesitant all week because of my recent injut

1 comment:

  1. Sam...sounds like ur having an awesome time! I just went through and read all of your posts...glad to hear ur feeding kids in africa with a half eaten sandwich- i would expect nothing less hahaha...

    looking forward to hearing more- and just stop playing sports ur like a walking injury haha

    take care man and hope to hear from you soon!
    Mike G.

    ps. Hoyas gotta get their act together...big east tourny time haha
