Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sunday Concert

Today we didn't get moving til about 2 o'clock which gave me an opportunity to go for a jog and continue rehabbing my leg injury (something I had not been able to do since arriving). I decided to jog through town and along the beach. The local beach is only a 5 minute walk from the house and I was really impressed with it. It was quite beautiful but not too crowded. The leg held up well and it was a great start to the day. At 2 o'clock we took a taxi to the botanical gardens of Cape Town where we had tickets to a concert. Goldfish, a popular South African dance-music group, performed. The gardens are set right underneath of one of the mountains of Cape Town. The gardens themselves were pretty, but I've never really been that into gardens so I wasn't that into it. I was surprised, however, at the attractiveness of the people at the concert. It seemed like all 4 thousand people really good-looking. The concert was a little short but we had a good time.Unfortunately, I didn't bring my camera but I'll try and borrow someone else's and post some photos. Tomorrow, I'm getting up at 7 so I'm making this post short.


  1. so were dey dgs? kappas? .... lemme kno bro

  2. haha kidding sounds like you are having an awesome time! wish i was there... i had no clue you were keeping a blog, you should publicize it more
