Saturday, March 26, 2011

Some out oforder pics of the past few days.

The pond at Spier. (you can see one of the restaurants across the water)

The school assembly

One of the classes I helped out.

Some kids dominating the camera at the basketball game

The basketball game

Me at the basketball game

Sign at the gate of the Cheetah sanctuary

Me petting the cheetah

Me still petting the Cheetah.

The cheetah fac

Me still petting the cheetah

A chill Cheetah that was yawning after a nap

There are three cheetahs in the pic.

From friends chilling after a milkshake at one of the restaurants. It was a really go milkshake. Caine, Sammy, Abi, Cat, (Left to right) 

I got my face painted and took a pic of it but it appears the shade is too dark to see it.

random pic of Spier

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