Saturday, April 2, 2011

Some pics of the last few days with this group

Me with Shaun at the after school drama club

After school drama club

Teaching some of the kids some bball skills

These two girls were an after  school basketball staple. The one on the left, Asive,  smiles more than any child I have ever been around

The Friday assembly that thanks us.

This kid, Aviwe, is really awesome and is hilarious

Me and my teacher, Mr. Gabozi

Me, Mr. Gabozi, and Caine

My class being really excited about the last day of term (and me holding a camera)

My class being really really excited for the above reasons

The kids were teaching me Xhosa and I tried to take a picture of it. Unfortunately when I took out the camera they went crazy.

Me and my class not cooperating in an effort to take a class photo

After 15 minutes of craziness, we finally got the class picture...sorta.

The baboon that decided to joined us for the braai

He ripped off the top of the bottle of Coke with his teach

Will trying unsuccessfully to get the baboon out of our camp site

The baboon having trouble with the carbonation

Will winning the battle between himself and the Baboon

Me and some of the students that I got to know

All of us at the braai

The baboon running away after realizing there was no food

More of all of us at the braai

I don't know why Will told us to look to left in this picture but we did.

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