Sunday, April 24, 2011


After the rough day yesterday, Rosie and I had decided to do Table Mountain today. Caine and Sammy had done it twice before and, having now done it, I can understand why they decided not to do it a third time.

We grabbed the train into Cape Town at around 10 o'clock. Before we took a taxi to the base of the mountain we went to the waterfront to buy Robben Island tickets- We're going on Monday!

Thankfully it was a great day- not too hot and crystal clear. As we approached the welcome center at the base of the mountain we saw that we were not the only ones ready to scale the mountain. There was a queue a few hundred yards long to take the cable car up to the top. But we were ready to hike.

After getting a little lost finding the base of the trail we were off!

The hike took about 2 hours. It was very steep at times and you definitely needed to use your hands. Rosie had some trouble because she's about 5 feet tall and the rocks that make the steps of the trail were about half her height. We were separated for most of the trip so that we could go at our own pace.  We both preferred it that way  because we could each get into our own hiking zone. I felt it very fitting to listen to Copland while hiking. While the hike was tiresome and my legs will surely be sore tomorrow.. I enjoyed myself very much.

When we both reached the top, we explored the "Table." I'll let the pictures do most of the explaining but we saw the Atlantic and Indian Oceans as well as Robben Island and all of Cape Town.

After about a half hour at the top, the wind picked up and we saw coming from the Atlantic side this massive cloud system approaching. Surely this the reason why shark cage diving had been postponed. It was awesome watching the clouds come in and crash into the side of the mountains. We took the cable car down at around 5 o'clock. The cables were surprisingly steep and the inside of the car rotated so that everyone got a great view going down. While it was cool, it was a little scary.

 We then got a taxi back to the train station and headed home. All in all it was a great day and definitely made up for yesterday.

I ended up taking an absurd amount of pictures (over 120) so enjoy:

The mountain fron the train station

Where the taxi dropped us off

If you squint you can see the cable car

We were headed toward that gorge where you see blue sky


very steep

It is so flat at the top

The Atlantic

Me, Rosie and Cape Town

The soccer stadium for the World Cup

Sitting on the cliff

Me being very stupid

These rodents were everywhere

You can see the beginning of the clouds

The cable car was sooo steep

Looking back at where we came from

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